История одной фотографии

Черный Кузнец

История одной фотографии
Performed By Черный Кузнец
Album UPC 191924218944
CD Baby Track ID TR0004252056
Label Черный Кузнец
Released 2015-09-04
BPM 140
Rated 0
Year 2015
Spotify Plays 21,246
Writer Николай Андреев&
Pub Co Николай Андреев&
Writer Михаил Эдуардов&
Pub Co Михаил Эдуардов&
Writer Анастасия Никол&
Pub Co Анастасия Никол&
Composer Анастасия Николаевна Нахимович, Михаил Эk
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceEasy Clear
Rights Controlled Master
Rights Easy Clear: Master
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country Russian Federation
Lyrics Language Russian


This is the first EP of the new album "Supernatural" (2017). Three songs to give a taste of the future.

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