Evil Untold

After Dusk

Evil Untold
Performed By After Dusk
Album UPC 5060047114653
CD Baby Track ID TR0004533099
Label V4n Records
Released 2009-11-16
BPM 120
Rated 0
Year 2009
Spotify Plays 72
Writer Epameinondas Giannakopoulos
Pub Co Epameinondas Giannakopoulos
Writer Vasileios Giannakopoulos
Pub Co Vasileios Giannakopoulos
Writer Theodoros Kallis
Pub Co Theodoros Kallis
Composer Epameinondas Giannakopoulos, Theodoros Kallis, Vasileios Giannakopoulos
ClearanceDubset,Facebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceEasy Clear
Rights Controlled Master
Rights Easy Clear: Master
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country Greece
Lyrics Language English


“Rarely seen musical variety. Awesome album!!” – METAL REVOLUTION
“Superb work, a track list of fire.” – METALCRONIQUES
“Proof indeed that pure heavy metal can exist…” – METAL TEAM UK

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