Рада ае

Папин Клатч

Рада ае
Performed By Папин Клатч
Album UPC 192914219521
CD Baby Track ID TR0005131417
Released 2018-04-12
BPM 120
Rated 0
ISRC usdy41814883
Year 2018
Spotify Plays 79
Writer Группа Папин Кла
Pub Co Папин Клатч
Composer Группа Папин Клатч
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country Russian Federation
Lyrics Language Russian


It's not just album, it's playlist, which can you make a trip to the destinies of different people in post-stage music genre. To sink, laugh, dance and reflect on serious things. The main theme of our work is a world where everything is interconnected.

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