Trance For Frank

Rishi & Harshil

Trance For Frank
Performed By Rishi & Harshil
Album UPC 4018063233330
CD Baby Track ID 5801380
Label Rishi & Harshil
Released 2008-01-01
BPM 110
Rated 0
ISRC ustc60856366
Year 2008
Spotify Plays 129,143
Writer Rishi Sigurd Vlote and Harshil Filippo Chiostri
Pub Co Rishi Sigurd Vlote||Harshil Filippo Chiostri
Composer Rishi Sigurd Vlote and Harshil Filippo Chiostri
ClearanceTraditional SyncEasy Clear
Rights Controlled Master
Rights Easy Clear: Master
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country ITALY


Music for Dance, Trance, Transformation, Healing, Shamanic Work, Chill, Recreation, TranceDance Journeys, Shamanic Journeys. Our Music is inspired by our passion for Joy, Healing and Transformation, and we aim to transport this into your dance-and listeni



12 tracks full of magic and spirit
in pristine sonic quality.

This album is created to support your shamanic journeys to new places and spaces.

A Music Journey created by Rishi and Harshil, honouring You and the Amazing “healing power” of TranceDance.
The concept of this album is to create a soundsphere inducing trance and healing waves to dance.
All pieces are connected and interwoven, so the soundflow never disrupts and keeps the Dancer moving through his/her journey.
The use of nature sounds further supports the connection between the musical and natural aspects of spirit and trance.

"Forget Your Limitations" is a call to quest into your inner worlds.
It is created to support people who want to travel within rather than just having good entertainment.
It is music to dance to with your eyes closed, or better with a bandana, to help you travel otherworlds...
The process of recording was interwoven with many TranceDance events, to test the work before it was released.
The music is inducing deep Trance states very easy with superb sound quality, too.

Members: Rishi Sigurd Vlote: Drumset, Percussions, Djembe, Congas, Udu, Framedrum, Voice, Keyboards, Beats and Programming Harshil Filippo Chiostri: Djembe, Congas, Percussions, Framedrum, Voice, Keyboards
Guests: Chintan Relenberg: Tabla, Keyboards
Prem Joshua: Bansuri (Indian Flute)

Rishi & Harshil write:
We like to dedicate this album to Frank Natale, a.k.a. Professor Trance, who inspired and initiated us into the way of the Shaman.

As Frank used to say, since the beginning of time we danced to the beat of our hearts, moving like the animals we worshiped, to celebrate the presence of Spirit in every form, to live a life of passion and deep respect for Nature.

Today our right to celebrate and worship life is sacred as ever, and we can access to that Wonder, so easily... In a TranceDance ceremony we move on an inner journey, not limited to normal perceptions of time & space. We can empower abilities such as courage and compassion, as well as receive insights. We can enter the consciousness or “become the Spirit” of Nature itself - the sun, the moon or various animal and plant life, re-absorbing their qualities to fulfill our lifes, in tune with Mother Earth.

TranceDance is a blend of healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the use of a blindfold or bandana - together stimulating a 'trance' state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being. That easily happens through the use of three simple tools :

The first tool is a bandana which covers the eyes is shutting down the major source of distractions to the brain and is stimulating an 'inner vision' that reveals hidden meanings and answers about our life. The bandana allows the participant to become a witness to the richness of his or her own inner experience

The second tool is the so-called Fire-Breathing technique: the dancer opens up to the energy and the Spirit-World by a twice quick-inhale through the nose, and one exhale through the mouth in a rhythmic sequence, until the trance is provoked .You will hear this breathing in many variations as a reminder throughout the musical journey

This breathing technique energizes and heals the body by filling it with fresh energy, while stimulating the connection with Spirit and parallel realities..

The third important ingredient is Intention: Focus your attention into your heart, towards an issue or something that needs clarity or healing. By keeping your focus on the issue, you help Spirit to manifest healing and guidance throughout the ritual.

So - by travelling through “Forget Your Limitations” you are invited to lively experiment with the power of those tools, and for sure you'll wonder !

The release of this album has been possible thanks to the support and love of so many people and spirits and animals, spontaneous syncronicities as well as “sweating work”, through the “power” of Rishi's Mother Earth Moving Studio, setup in the incredible surrounding beauty of Podere Amarti, and supported by the loving power of “Inipi”.

We will never be able to name all our angels, but our immense gratitude goes to :

Aloka, Gramya, Chintan, Joshua, Subodha, Kamal, Milarepa, Satgyan, Maneesh de Moor, Tarla, Ramo, Marina, Khalad, Nirava Absa, Aziza, Nissim, Sadhu, Sergio, Elisabetta and Family, Christel, Rajita, Dionisio, Pujan, Purana, Osho, Manu & Boris from the Band Ashram, Arhat, Yashen, Shantirup, Samadh, Coccola, Giada, Nonna Cat, Mamina, Fulminella, Yang, Grigio, Franco, all the Chickens, and .......!!!!

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