Oja's Love (Mother's)


Oja's Love (Mother's)
Performed By Abiogenesis
Album UPC 885444445286
CD Baby Track ID 7477978
Label APH Records
Released 2010-07-01
BPM 113
Rated 0
ISRC ushm81078098
Year 2010
Spotify Plays 16
Writer Moa Subong
Pub Co Moa Subong
Composer Moa Subong
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country India


A never heard before melodic rock with blend of tasteful guitar licks, harmonica and some rare instruments called Bamhum & Jews Harp powered by Arenlas electrifying vocals.


Slice of Heaven is Abiogenesis 3rd howey album with the previous 2 albums being listed for nominations in the grammys. The songs are rare and uniguely crafted and yet melodic. Arenla's powerful vocals stands out through out the album. Daniel's guitar licks are no nonsense an imaginative, the hamonica is palyed to the core by Moa, Daniel's tryst with the traditional instrument called Jews Harp in Himalaya South East( A part of the Medley) is exciting and of course, the Bamhum, the new wind musical intrument invented by Moa, a band member is played by Arenla and Moa to the frenzy. Check 'em out, am sure you will love and cherish the experience to a new high!

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