Tight Jeans

3 Bricks Shy

Tight Jeans
Performed By 3 Bricks Shy
Album UPC 888295294874
CD Baby Track ID TR0001694424
Label 3 Bricks Shy
Released 2015-07-01
BPM 146
Rated 0
ISRC QM9AA1511485
Year 2015
Spotify Plays 351
Writer Shay Ryburn
Pub Co Shay Ryburn
Composer Shay Ryburn
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - Kansas


Country folk rock americana


This is the sophomore album of 3 Bricks Shy. The music varies from folk rock to country americana and sometime a touch of pop blues or jazz. The first self-titled 3 Bricks Shy album has been played around the world on various FM and internet radio stations. The band always tries to send out a positive vibe and is currently all indie! Help support indie artists like 3 Bricks Shy and others like them and keep music alive!

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