Sun and Moon

3 Boys & A Fire

Sun and Moon
Performed By 3 Boys & A Fire
Album UPC 889211757367
CD Baby Track ID TR0001756748
Label 3 Boys & a Fire
Released 2014-11-19
BPM 93
Rated 0
ISRC usdy41562361
Year 2014
Spotify Plays 117
Writer Sam Blacklock
Pub Co Sam Blacklock
Composer Sam Blacklock
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country AUSTRALIA - New South Wales


A blend of acoustic and alternative rock, powerful yet soothing songs that take you on a ride.


Pre Nepal Days is the debut release for Sydney based group 3 Boys & A Fire. It is a true 'group effort' EP and showcases a selection of songs written by Sam Blacklock, John Kugel & Michael James Kugel.

Written over a five year period and featuring a mix of song styles, Pre Nepal Days is an immersive soundscape of acoustics, powerful melodies and alternative rock.

Based in Sydney, Australia the boys worked after hours for a period of 12 months with producer Cron Van Niekerk and friends including Fraser McKertich and Danny Jones to chip away slowly at the songs that would become the Pre Nepal Days EP.

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