Ballade in E Minor

Akoustic Odyssey

Ballade in E Minor
Performed By Akoustic Odyssey
Album UPC 9329235000182
CD Baby Track ID 10367391
Label Akoustic Odyssey
Released 2007-01-01
BPM 105
Rated 0
ISRC uscgh1351207
Year 2007
Spotify Plays 0
Writer Joshua James Tsounis
Pub Co Jl Publishing
Composer Joshua James Tsounis
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country AUSTRALIA - South Australia


Akoustic Odyssey are an original, instrumental blend of world fusion.


Akoustic Odyssey are an Adelaide based, original, instrumental group who are respected for their rich and truly unique sound. Comprising of guitar, cello, bass, drums, percussion, violin, flute, clarinet and soprano saxophone the pieces are all composed by band members Joshua Tsounis and Stephan Richter. The blend of these original works and the newness of the sound make Akoustic Odyssey true innovators. It has been described that “Akoustic Odyssey are uncatergorisable” (Julia Lester ABC Classic FM) and their music is “crucial evidence of the treasure trove of musical genius we are blessed with in South Australia” (David Jobling, Independent Weekly-2007) They are influenced by so many different musical styles including Rock, Classical, Jazz, Greek, Spanish, Latin, Middle Eastern, African and Celtic that this in turn makes them truly Australian.

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