The Ancient Ones

Paul Armitage

The Ancient Ones
Performed By Paul Armitage
Album UPC 620675232690
CD Baby Track ID TR0000152901
Label Paul Armitage
Released 2015-02-12
BPM 145
Rated 0
ISRC uscgh1420686
Year 2013
Spotify Plays 1,376
Writer Paul Urban Armitage
Pub Co Museart Productions
Composer Paul Urban Armitage
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country CANADA - B.C.


A Musical Invocation calling forth the full healing and liberation of the Divine Feminine Essence expressing as Desire, Emotion and Intuition, - the seat of the Will -, facilitating a greater awareness of our Heart's Desire and Soul Purpose.


Healing of the Divine Mother was spontaneously composed and performed before a live audience. The participants were asked to receive the energy and intention expressed through the music which is to assist in the full resurrection and awakening of our Soul Purpose which expresses through our Will and Heart's Desire. By healing the emotional body, the seat of the Will, - the Divine Feminine essence within each of us- we are re-united with a conscious awareness of
our deepest Heart's Desire, thereby allowing us to navigate our way through life to fulfilling our Dharma, our Divine Destiny Path.

"Paul's music is a gift from the Angels, his music is truly heaven sent."

- Doreen Virtue, Author and Visionary

"Walking in the footsteps of the greatest composers who ever blessed the Earth, Paul composes music that captures the
very creation of life itself. He has the ability to connect to the higher octaves in the Universe to bring through overtures of
the Music of the Spheres."

- Dr. Norma Milanovich, Author and Visionary.

"Being accustomed to listening to symphonic music, I'm amazed by the way Paul is able to bridge the style and genius of
the classical composers to the new level of spontaneously composed spiritual music that embraces both your ear and your soul."

- Robby Curdorf, Author and Lecturer

"The music of Paul Armitage has an essence that is Magic. It evokes a higher state of feeling and inner clarity through
its entirety. It is the kind of music that heals in the most gentle way. I found that part of myself that is pure love.
The visions and colors I saw were beautiful and exciting. His music guides me to that place of safety and total trust,
an inner space that is expansive and full of wisdom. Once I'm there I experience complete freedom. "

- Janette Wood.

With 10 years of classical training and over a decade of playing piano and keyboards professionally, in 1993 Paul Armitage
discovered he had the ability to open himself to allow beautiful, spontaneously composed, original music to flow through him. This experience gradually evolved into using his music as apowerful tool for healing and invocation... Though the process by which he is able to receive the music is still somewhat of a mystery, the feedback Paul has received from many of his clients about his musical interpretations, Musical Soul Portraits, is that they lead the listener to a profound inner experience - a remembrance of the deepest Truth of Who they Are...From Paul's heart, combined with the Heart in his music, the listener is carried Home. And Home is where the Heart is.

Paul has recorded over 20 original albums available on CD which can be ordered through his website,

Paul's entire catalogue will be available for digital download through soon!

In holding Sacred Space for individuals and group events, Paul opens to receive the sweet current of love and healing
from the very Heart of Creation, spontaneously composing exquisite music that captures and expresses the beauty and joy
of our Highest Aspirations - Music Sourced directly from the Heart of Divine Love.

"For me, the greatest joy in spontaneously composing sacred music, is my connection with the audience. The active Presence of the listener in consciously receiving the blessings being expressed through the music, co-creates the most potent sense of deep sharing and oneness. It is Heaven On Earth!"

- Paul Armitage

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