Que No Se Me Olvide (feat. Manny el Mensajero & Edwin Arroyo)

Alejandro el Borinqueño

Que No Se Me Olvide (feat. Manny el Mensajero & Edwin Arroyo)
Performed By Alejandro el Borinqueño
Album UPC 194660197085
CD Baby Track ID TR0007177976
Label Alejandro el Borinqueño
Released 2019-11-16
Rated 0
ISRC usl4q1936757
Year 2019
Spotify Plays 304
Writer Josue Alejandro Rosado
Pub Co Josue Alejandro Rosado
Composer Josue Alejandro Rosado
ClearanceDubset,Facebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - Connecticut
Lyrics Language Spanish, Castilian


Rap, poesia, llamalo lo que quieras yo lo llamo mi llamado. Musica cristiana con el proposito de presentarte el evangelio.

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