Just Do It (feat. Shia Labeouf)


Just Do It (feat. Shia Labeouf)
Performed By 0scill8or
Album UPC 889211908745
CD Baby Track ID TR0001939715
Label B & C Records
Released 2015-09-25
BPM 86
Rated 0
ISRC ushm21552616
Year 2015
Spotify Plays 308,197
Writer Nathaniel R Bowman
Pub Co Nathaniel R Bowman
Composer Nathaniel R Bowman
ClearanceTraditional SyncOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - California - LA


3 years in the making, and it's finally out! Ten tracks of mind-blowing, chest-shaking, hard electronic music! With an amazing blend of genres ranging all over the spectrum, this music will completely reshape your perspective on electronic music.


This album is really awesome. And this description is being written by a high school dude, not some professional nose-bleed; that's how you know it's real. So I think you should buy this album. It's really good.. Like, really good... Like, better than Skrillex. Yeah.. So buy it and thank the stars that you decided to buy it.

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