Smile Before You Die

James Gordon

Smile Before You Die
Performed By James Gordon
Album UPC 889211918461
CD Baby Track ID TR0001956793
Label James Gordon
Released 2015-10-03
BPM 136
Rated 0
ISRC ushm21555997
Year 2015
Spotify Plays 480
Writer James Peter Gordon
Pub Co James Peter Gordon
Composer James Peter Gordon
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country UK - England - North West


Debut solo EP featuring five tracks of original music in the hard rock vein with an epic ballad, a bit of heaviness and some unique flourishes.


This solo EP represents something unique in my career as a musician who has been lucky enough to play shows all over the UK and Europe, gig and record with a host of talented musicians in the metal, rock and punk communities, teach hundreds of students of all abilities and ages and who counts himself fortunate to have made a living from music for more than a decade now.

The EP comes after nearly a year after parting ways with my last band, much of which was spent trying to reignite the joy music had always provided me. The realisation that I should be working, should be creating something, anything, began with the odd thought that the fifteen-year old version of me, who first picked up the guitar and felt that initial thrill that would fuel me for the next twenty years, would shake his head in disgust at the fact that I wasn't doing anything with the time, talent and gear I had at my disposal. All things I could've only dreamt of as a teenager.

Circus is the culmination of months of hard work and is the direct product of that initial odd thought. I hope the younger version of me would be proud of it (though, he'd probably say it doesn't sound enough like Iron Maiden or AC/DC before stomping off to his room to practice...)

Musically, there's a hard rock song or two, a big ballad, some metal riffs and a few odd instruments and interesting melodies sewn throughout. All along, the focus has been on catchy hooks and good songs, hopefully that shines through.

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