Performed By Silver Cypher
Album UPC 845121061499
CD Baby Track ID 12291004
Label Silver Cypher
Released 2013-06-26
BPM 124
Rated 0
ISRC ushm21389100
Year 2013
Spotify Plays 9
Songtrust Track ID 52915
Writer Jon Michael Krech
Songwriter ID 14055
Pub Co Krech & Execute L.L.C
Writer Andrew Ryan Perkins
Songwriter ID 14058
Pub Co Krech & Execute L.L.C
Composer Andrew Ryan Perkins, Jon Michael Krech
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Publisher Admin CD Baby Publishing
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Publishing
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - Ohio


Adfectus Infernus is an eclectic mix of heavy-metal styles that is at times thrashy, at times power, at times progressive, and it is also our crowning achievement,. We'll continue to create music for years to come, but we'll never, ever top this one!


HardRockHaven Album Review

"Adfectus Infernus is the fourth full-length release from Cincinnati-based metal band Silver Cypher. The band bills themselves as a 'dark power metal' outfit, a term that brings to mind the likes of Evergrey and Bloodbound. The reality – at least judging by Adfectus Infernus – is a bit more complicated, and in a good way.

Adfectus Infernus is a very intense, unpredictable and memorable listening experience. Yes there are power metal elements and yes it’s dark lyrically – albeit in a futuristic, sci-fi kind of way – but this seems almost like Voivod meets Slough Feg more than anything else. It’s progressive metal in the truest sense of the term. Silver Cypher is pushing the genre boundaries here, and the results are really impressive. The band displays a high level of technicality, and between the unorthodox song structures, strange atmosphere and “here’s an interesting way we’re all gonna die” lyrics, listening to Adfectus Infernus is like a perilous voyage to some far flung planet. For all its quirks, there are plenty of moments where guitarist/vocalist Jon Krech just thrashes away, so the album always maintains that metal spirit.

As far as highlights go, sample 'Hiding in the Light' and 'Monstro' and you’ll get a pretty good feel for the overall sound on Adfectus Infernus. It’s not a 'singles' kind of album though. You need to experience the whole thing in one sitting, preferably via headphones so you can catch everything that Silver Cypher put into this album.

Of course the potential risk of taking such a unique approach is that the album may not have a very wide appeal. Power metal fans might not embrace something this non-traditional. Likewise those whose benchmark for progressive metal is Dream Theater may have a hard time accepting something without keyboards and self-indulgent solos. That said, those who do get what Silver Cypher have done here are going to absolutely love Adfectus Infernus. It’s a weird one, but sometimes weird can be awesome." - Justin Gaines

TrueMetalLives Review

"Cincinnati's residential power thrashers have released their fourth full-length album, Adfectus Infernus to celebrate the Fourth Of July in style. I only have one other album of theirs to go by, but it seems the band has grown and improved their skills in the last six years since 2007's Yesterday's Tomorrow. What we have here is a very mature mix of styles that does not fit nicely in one little shoehorn genre. There are elements of power, thrash, a hint of doom, prog and some modern elements all thrown together to make a very visceral listening experience.

Fathom is a very quick, fun track that starts the whole experience up nicely. Summer Of My Discontent has everything working properly and is a real standout track. Pride & Despair is a very unique track, but unfortunately for my taste it has too many modern elements. After-Flow doesn't do a whole lot for me either as I find it to be a bit on the sleepy side of things. Of course this is a very atmospheric track and for those who really like a lot of that atmosphere in their music, I am sure they will be really taken with the efforts as musically there is nothing wrong with it, just not my personal preference. It does pick up nicely towards the end of the track, however.

Things start to take off a bit from there as Zombie Apocalypse kicks in with an excellent mix of melody, atmosphere and a heavy chorus. Definitely a very infectious track. Golem is likewise a very unique and special track. These two tracks are a microcosm of just how varied and unique the music is on this CD. Atmosphere abounds again on Hiding In The Light and in this case I really dig the track. Just shows again the variety of music you will find within. This is a double edged sword as some of it is so different it may not suit every listener. Monstro then kicks in with a short bass intro and the song is very hooky. Though it's not very long it definitely has some prog elements to it with the tempo changes in the second half.

Inferno starts out with a driving sound, before slowing down into a Type O Negative or Paradise Lost element, before speeding up again. All Good Things is a pretty decent track, but not one of my personal favorites. Anomic is a quasi-ballad that is nice if a bit too short. End Of Eternity closes everything out solidly, ending the roller coaster ride through your mind.

This is an album that you will have to think and ponder a bit to. Do not expect to 'get it' as soon as you put it in and press play. You need to let it sit on your palette a bit before you can fully digest what you are listening to. I was baffled the first time through and it wasn't until I revisited it that I realized just how damn good the music is. Being such a creative piece of work, not everything sits well with me, but every time I listen to it, I catch something else that really sticks out. Give this disc a few spins and see how it grows on you!!"

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