Delta Wax

Kevin Sandbloom

Delta Wax
Performed By Kevin Sandbloom
Album UPC 634479131066
CD Baby Track ID 1213734
Label Red Llama Music
Released 2005-01-01
BPM 139
Rated 0
ISRC ushm90559995
Year 2005
Spotify Plays 0
Writer Kevin Sandbloom
Pub Co Red Llama Music
Composer Kevin Sandbloom
Clearance Sync & All Media Uses
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - California - LA


Elements of Hip-Hop, Soul & Blues through the eyes of Eastside L.A. songwriter.


"Delta [6] takes listeners back and forth in time with its
evocative blues rhythms and the soul-crying power of Kevin
Sandbloom's voice. This is Keb Mo had he discovered the
occasional beauty and simplicity certain brands of hip-hop
have offered up in the past.

The musicianship is stellar. Sandbloom enlisted the talents
of Daniel Seeff, a well know jazz bassist in LA, and Kerim
Imes, also an e stablished jazz fusion drummer from LA. What
is so impressive about the recording is how careful Sandbloom
is to keep the sound confined to his energy, his talents, his

The drums always carry with them exactly the right energy,
never overshadowing the vocals, even though they pronounce
themselves boldly on such tracks as Minimum Wage. The bass
playing on the record is always tasteful and just bouncy
enough to provide an additional color to Sandbloom's nuanced
singing and guitar strumming.

Sandbloom's lyrics are honest while the band's sound holds
secrets it reveals carefully as the song unfolds. Songs like
"Delta Wax" are the most blues-inspired, thick with twangy
harmonics and virtuoso vocal runs.

Delta[6] proves to be a familiar sound from a brand new voice.
Rest assured as music continues to bridge gaps between genres,
Sandbloom will continue to create fresh new fusions for
listeners to sink their ears into."

- Donn Joseph Bialik

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