La Odalizca

Alejo Gandini

La Odalizca
Performed By Alejo Gandini
Album UPC 192914226994
CD Baby Track ID TR0005145169
Label Dinigan Records
Released 2018-05-01
BPM 128
Rated 0
ISRC usdy41821005
Year 2018
Spotify Plays 8
Writer maria trinidad pisano
Pub Co dinigan
Writer Alejo Gandini
Pub Co dinigan
Composer Alejo Gandini, maria trinidad pisano
Clearance Sync & All Media Uses
Rights Controlled Master
Rights Easy Clear: Master
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country Argentina
Lyrics Language Spanish, Castilian


"Cambiapieles", es el cuarto disco de Alejo Gandini (Valentina, Tabaquito Marroqui)

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