
33 Barrette

Performed By 33 Barrette
Album UPC 625989344527
CD Baby Track ID 12214990
Label 33 Barrette
Released 2002-12-05
BPM 116
Rated 0
ISRC ushm21386010
Year 2002
Spotify Plays 60
Writer Robert Denis Villeneuve
Pub Co 33 Barrette
Composer Robert Denis Villeneuve
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country CANADA - Québec


33 Barrette has performed across Canada with its French retro folk-rock style, delving into jazz, blues, Reggae, Celtic and Latin influences, it is pungent and pleasant mix of vocal arrangements, keyboards, acoustic guitar, and harmonica



33 Barrette, the group that opened the show, have a most interesting and delightful sound. They began with Les Feuilles d'automne (Colchiques), a melancholy, Renaissance sounding melody with recorder and flute solo and then gradually climbed through the years and several numbers to a pleasant folk-rock style.
Their arrangements are uniformly good, the instrumentation inventive and execution first-rate.
The Sudbury Star, May 3, 1976

First to appear was 33 Barrette (...) whose sound is an eclectic, happy blend of rock, blues and folk, with a generous measure of Latin influences. They opened with the spirited Franco Reel (Le Reel de La Bolduc) and proceeded through a performance of exemplary balance and variety. Loose, informal and confident of their skills, they, like CANO, used a wide assortment of instruments and rhythmic changes to evoke a mood or sharpen the underlying texture of a song.

In Mon Ange they let the percussions boom out; triangles, congas, cowbells, timbales and maracas playing against each other in polyrhythmic cross-currents, with the electric piano picking up the tempo at the end in a quick burst of sound. In Colchiques, an old folk strain, they showed they could handle the tender passages with restraint and feeling; using a bow on the electric bass and kettle-drum sticks on the cymbals, they opened a channel of eerie sound that let in the delicate plaint of a German flute. Then, with only the slightest change in rhythm, they slid into La Neige, a hauntingly beautiful song featuring German and Fittel flutes, incantation, and four-part harmony. They ended with a standing ovation and an encore, with La Chouclaque, a toe-tapping reel for the fiddle.
Roger Amoroso, Revue - Ottawa, 19 June, 1977

The first act in a triple Franco-Ontarian rock show, 33 Barrette set the crowd afire and surprisingly, their artistry fanned the hottest flames of the evening. (...)
Barrette, easily the tightest band of the evening, opened delightfully apropos with Franco Reel (Le Reel de La Bolduc), a fast-moving folk-rocker that featured excellent harmonica solos. While it conjured images of old-time dancing, the excellent five-man harmony up front was driven by superb rhythmic conga drumming. This rhythm was used consistently at intervals to bring the audience alive, often following portraits painted in tones of haunting beauty (...)
Barrette introduced us to a symphony spun from ultra-modern usage of percussion but soon jettisoned back to traditional folk rhythms.

The entire set (...) put the audience in the collective palm of Barrette's hand through its impressive keyboard, bass and lead guitar work. (...) This was the only encore of the evening and certainly well worth the standing ovation that brought it on.
Michelle Morissette, Ottawa Journal, June 1977

33 Barrette, que les amateurs de la Nuit avait vu pour la première fois l'an dernier, a inauguré la Nuit de façon réussie. Il s'agit d'un groupe dont l'harmonisation est plus que plaisante et dont la musique ressemble souvent à celle de Beau Dommage et de Harmonium.

De plus le comportement décontracté des cinq membres du groupe et le rapport excellent qu'ils entretiennent avec la salle ont su établir le ton de la Nuit. (...) C'est sans doute la douceur de sa musique qui a plu le plus aux spectateurs de samedi soir. Le rappel qu'on leur a servi n'avait rien du rituel ordinaire réservé à de telles occasions.
Le Voyageur, Sudbury, 3 mai 1976

(...)33 Barrette, un groupe régional composé de cinq musiciens, a livré hier soir, de la musique variée, intéressante et colorée en première partie du spectacle sur la grande scène en plein air de Camp Fortune qui s'était réservée Claude Léveillé pour la noirceur(...) L'une des bonnes premières parties à Camp Fortune, côté français, cet été.
Claude Gauthier, Le Droit, juillet 1976

(...) Jacques Pariseau tire des harmonies riches (de son piano), fluides, qui se passeraient parfois de mots pour traduire toute sa sensibilité. (...) Aux percussions, à l'harmonica, à la flûte irlandaise, au rythme et à la voix, Robert Pariseau excelle. On le sent tendu comme une corde de violon pour donner le meilleur de lui, pour imprimer le rythme du spectacle. (...) à la mandoline, Philippe Bâcle donne un sérieux coup de main pour faire décoller la musique.
Le Droit, 5 avril, 1979

Those who were around to hear the band will be happy to rediscover a downloadable copy of our 2002 CD. For those who are new to our sound, we welcome you to 33 Barrette, the address where the band first met. From 1975 to 1981, the band played concert tours across Canada, recorded with Radio-Canada, participated in studio recordings including contributions to fellow artist's vinyls. Later, while pursuing individual careers, the members occasionally got together to perform live shows. By popular demand, the band finally released a CD in 2002 containing some of the original archival recordings along with new material. It is a credit to the band's staying power as well as to the wonderful mastering of this album that it is nearly impossible to tell which songs were recorded in which era. We hope you enjoy discovering our music.

Ceux qui connaissent le son du groupe seront heureux de redécouvrir cette version en ligne de notre CD publié en 2002. Pour ceux qui en font la découverte, bienvenue à l'adresse 33 Barrette, le lieu mythique de nos premières rencontres. De 1975 à 1981 cette formation musicale a participé à des tournées canadiennes, enregistant dans les studios et sur les scènes de Radio-Canada en plus de participer aux 33 tours d'autres artistes. Le groupe apparaît sporadiquement sur la scène par la suite mais à la demande populaire, un CD est publié en 2002 contenant les archives sonores originales ainsi que de nouveaux enregistrements. Il est difficile de départir les enregistrements des deux époques vu la qualité intemporelle de cette musique et de la production chevronnée. À vous de découvrir ce style éclectique et heureux qui va du folk-rock au jazz. Bonne écoute!

Sur toutes les pistes / All tracks
Jacques Pariseau: vocal, claviers / vocals, keyboards
Robert Pariseau: vocal, harmonicas, flûtes, percussion / vocals, harmonicas, flutes, percussion
Philippe Bâcle: vocal, guitare acoustique, mandoline / vocals, acoustic guitar, mandolin

1999-2002: Studio Gammunications, Chelsea, QC
Prise de son et mixage/ Tracking and mixing: Luc Monast
Mastering: David Cain, Sharkfin Digital, Ottawa
Michel Pariseau: basse, guitare électrique et acoustique / bass, electric and acoustic guitar
Robert Fontaine: batterie, percussions / drums and percussion
Carlos Laguardia: congas
Paul Desgagné: saxophone
Claire Duguay: vocal Chez Henri et La neige / additional vocals on Chez Henri and La neige

1977: Studio Paff, Hull, QC: Mélodie pour Marie, La neige
René Godbout: prise de son et mixage / tracking and mix
Camil Bélisle: batterie / drums
Guy Devost: percussion

1987: Studio Passeport, Hull, QC: Chu Content, Guru
Raymond Groulx: prise de son, mixage / tracking and mixing
Camil Bélisle: batterie / drums

Yves Paquin: Créateur de l'affiche originale, réutilisé pour le CD / Original artwork for poster & CD cover
Beau Pettis: Artiste graphique, restoration de l'affiche en AI / Original artwork AI restoration graphic artist
Robert Pariseau & Philippe Bâcle: producteurs / producers
Toutes les chansons (c) SOCAN / All songs are (c) SOCAN

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