Yorktown Theme (Pop Goes the Weasel)

Kevin MacLeod

Yorktown Theme (Pop Goes the Weasel)
Performed By Kevin MacLeod
Album UPC 885767852549
CD Baby Track ID 8597175
Label Angry Otter Entertainment
Released 2011-08-30
BPM 108
Rated 0
ISRC ushm81145733
Year 2011
Spotify Plays 5,820
Writer Kevin MacLeod
Pub Co incompetech
Composer Kevin MacLeod
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - United States


Soundtrack to the movie thriller, Yorktown (2011), featuring; For the Love of Sloane, Knuckle Deep, SEXCoffee, VulGarrity, White Elefant.


“Yorktown” is a 1970's inspired horror thriller that takes place in the City of Yorktown. It's about a group of eight friends that upon hearing of Yorktown Memorial Hospital from an ill guided bar patron, played by actor/comedian and NBC’s Last Comic’s Standing Season 5 finalist Dante, the group decides to take a road trip to the haunted location and “investigate”, despite the heeded warnings from the bartender, played by actress Rebekah Kochan. What they don't realize is that someone has taken up residence in the building and someone is trying to revenge a death. When you don’t pay attention to your friends, bad things happen. The movie takes a traditional plot and adds modern social elements and a plot twist.

The movie’s soundtrack recruited six indie bands from Connecticut, Louisiana, Rhode Island, and Texas to furnish the 15 track rock soundtrack and offers its own original score which accompanies the film.

For the Love of Sloane (RI) -For the Love of Sloane is a four piece original rock band from the biggest little state in the union, Rhode Island. FTLOS is vocalist Elese Morrone, guitarist Stephen Moniz, bassist Michelle Salgueiro, and drummer Jay Jefferson. They formed mid 2007 and have quickly become a family as much as a band that is hoping to help breath life back into the Providence music scene.

Each individual band member brings their heart and soul, as well as a wide range of influences to the song writing process, which helps in the originality and diversity of their sound. The band takes their time writing each song, trying to avoid the usual songwriting formulas and clichés while still writing songs with catchy hooks, driving beats, and memorable melodies.

Knuckle Deep (from Beaumont, Tx) - Knuckle Deep is a Texas band of four guys which bring a new flavor to the art of hard rock. A mixture of sounds of Metallica, Iron Maiden, Alice In Chains, Kiss and heavy influences from Faith No More, Alice In Chains, and Tool make Knuckle Deep a sound all their own.

SEXCoffee (RI) -Craving a high energy musical fix full of soulful melodies, innate harmonies, and carefully crafted songwriting? SEXCoffee is an alternative rock band best served live, loud, hot! Come see why the Standard Times praises SEXCoffee as "a high-energy rock band with a solid reputation" and The Noise Magazine says "They sound like a band that knows how to carve their own musical path and does so with aplomb."

Sharing the stage with such high profile acts as Candlebox, Halestorm, Siobhan Magnus (from American Idol), Me Talk Pretty and Company of Thieves; this multi-award winning five-piece maintains and values a competent work ethic along with attention to melodious detail. Once you’ve had a taste of SEXCoffee’s infectious blend, you’ll be feeling satisfied to the last drop!

Tyler Read (LA) -Featured in the movie only.

VulGarrity (CT) -Perhaps it’s no coincidence that death and the macabre are the subject matter of the majority of VulGarrity’s music. True, the brother-sister team’s unhealthy obsession with horror movies is a large part of the equation, however it’s also symbolic of the journey that brought VulGarrity into existence in 2008. After several years of making music with a rotating cast of band members (not to mention band names), Tracy and Shawn had a problem – they needed to break the cycle, but didn’t know how. After a few months of soul-searching and musical experimentation, they came upon a solution that takes the “do-it-yourself” mentality to the extreme - they lay to rest the traditional idea of a rock band and decided to play every instrument themselves…at the same time. The band uses technology to enhance live performance in a truly extraordinary way. The use of loop pedals allows the dynamic duo to play drums, guitar, bass and keys all at the same time, while executing tight vocal harmonies. That’s not all – they switch instruments, too – usually several times during a show, sometimes within the same song, without missing a beat. Sure, other acts use samples and loop pedals on stage, but the difference is nothing is pre-recorded – the riffs are recorded live in front of the audience and then started and stopped during the song, while other instruments are being played, to create the effect of a full band. How do they do this? Come to a live show and see for yourself. Such a unique performance style could be considered a “gimmick” by some, but the siblings don’t mind this label, because the results never cease to amaze.

The band’s unique approach and relentless tour schedule have attracted nationwide attention, earning them airplay on satellite and college radio, MTV’s hit shows “Made”, “Cribs”, “Teen Cribs” and “My Life as Liz”, invitations to share the stage with The Misfits, Sponge, Mike Doughty, Days of the New, King’s X, Psychostick, The Prodigals, Ra, etc., and most recently an artist development contract with MySpace Records. If you haven’t seen them live yet, what are you waiting for? Get your ass to a VulGarrity show! It’s truly a one-of-a-kind experience where the reaction from first-timers is almost always “I’ve never seen anything like that before!”

White Elefant (TX) -Steven Moss and ..Fil Grady.. (bass) came together in the summer of 2006 in San Antonio, Texas, to establish the foundation for a band. For several weeks, the two sweat real, actual bullets in Fil's garage contemplating the band's direction. For the guitarist position, they recruited Steven's friend ..Josh Mathis.. (guitar), who also took on singing duties (vocals). The band was officially formed, and the prophecy was coming to pass.....Once an arsenal of songs was compiled, and after the trio found a name they could live with, ..White Elefant.. began playing shows in the spring of 2007. Locations included venues known and unknown, from mainstays such as The Limelight, Jack's and Sam's Burger Joint to popular watering holes like The Mix and Rebar. The very fabric of the universe was tearing apart.....And thus, with the passage of time (as such things go), a new Elefant joined the herd - talented skin-basher ..W.J. Robinson.. (drums). His origins and what the letters stand for, a total mystery.

Original Movie Score -The movie's original movie score was composed and performed by Elizabeth Massad. This is her first movie to score, and it was accomplished with amazing vision. The producers of the movie invited her on set for a tour to get a "feel" of the haunted location. That evening, Liz wrote the main score for the movie. With that inspiration and only seeing a few unedited scenes later in the movie's production she wrote what you hear in the movie today. The last piece of the movie was titled "Jacob's Last Score" implying that this was the character's last grand gesture to seek his revenge. This piece of music was written by Massad without seeing the final scene at all, but if you listen, a few minutes before Jacob and Justin's final scene all the way through till a few minutes before the end of the movie, that was one piece of music laid as written. Each part of the score perfectly goes with the character's movements, camera changes, and dialog reference beautifully.

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