Some Gurls


Some Gurls
Performed By Utris
Album UPC 711574464128
CD Baby Track ID 5383516
Label Annex Records
Released 2000-01-01
BPM 144
Rated 0
ISRC ushm20834609
Year 2000
Spotify Plays 157
Writer John P. Hastings, Andrew Deerin, Damon Dwyer, Daniel Shipp Jr.
Pub Co Noodles Ear Music
Composer John P. Hastings, Andrew Deerin, Damon Dwyer, Daniel Shipp Jr.
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceEasy Clear
Rights Controlled Master
Rights Easy Clear: Master
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - Washington DC


The Long Walk Home is an album. It is a collection of songs that, while distinct and unique, are still fused together by a common vision and theme. Grooves, blistering rock and strange interludes are all blended together.


“I can remember, clear as day. It was a February, or March, or maybe April. There was something, it felt like it was in the air. In the springtime, you get all these things running around your body and up in your head. Well that was probably what started it. All those hormones. We didn’t know any better, we just knew what we liked, and we liked to feel good, so that’s what it was. It was bright, it was fast, you could dance to it. Isn’t that how it always is in the beginning? Sometimes we needed to get some stuff out. We just had to rock. And so we did that. You’re a kid. You do kid stuff. It’s not that it’s better or worse, it’s just different than it is now. But we went there, we went everywhere. Sometimes we didn’t stay so long. We met new people, new ideas, new ways of doing things. Relationships started, or they didn’t. Sometimes they were stuck in the middle. We reached some lows before we were able to see what we really had. We had a lot. We had stories, we had experiences, we had things that we never told anybody else. Things were discovered, unearthed. We dug them up and put them on pedestals. So now we are growing up even more and understanding what we have to do. Are we too young? Yeah, but we got to start somewhere.”


utris' yearning for 'Home' fuels vision

Heather Johnson, Cavalier Daily Senior Writer

From romantic misunderstandings to spiritual misgivings, the rock 'n' roll and punk melodies of utris' third album, "The Long Walk Home," recounts the pivotal moments in a boy's maturation into a man.

Liner Notes
Album: "The Long Walk Home"
Artist: Utris
"The Long Walk Home"
"Some Gurls"
Grade: B

Each song articulates a different aspect of the difficulties of becoming a man in the modern world, describing an incredible journey "home." But these four men may already be there.

Although the theme of the album is derived from the hardships of growing up, the songs themselves are uniquely pleasant.

utris clearly prides itself on its individual sound, but the album's intro does little justice to the band's style. Over-the-top and loud, it gives the false impression that "The Long Walk Home" is nothing more than another piece of in-your-face entertainment. This is an unnecessary image for the young rockers.

Fortunately, utris redeems itself as the album continues. Perhaps the best song on the album is "Some Gurls." Rather than sounding downcast, the percussion and melody are infectious.

Other songs feature inlets of piano music and even chirping crickets, making every three minutes chime with a new kind of enjoyment.

"The Long Walk Home" combines the same musical sensibilities employed by great bands of the past. The vocals are reminiscent of Bad Company and the melodies are like that of SpaceHog, but the style is utris' alone.

The album features delightful variations in instruments, from bongo drums to voice synthesizers. The first song on the album even tries new effects with volume and speaker variations. The fresh combination of sounds might surprise at first, but these wacky interludes are entirely purposeful. They showcase utris' distinct sound.

The album cover features a simple picture of a Spanish city bus, which is perhaps reminiscent of utris' metaphorical journey. This album may be the home these men were searching for, but it doesn't have to be the end of their journey.

In this album, on its cover and by the number of songs, there is still an overwhelming essence of youth, and with that, untapped potential.

On the inside flap of the "Long Walk Home" CD case is a quote from one of the band's songs. "So you better watch yourself and wash your self and talk yourself into what carefully made plans can and will fall through. When all these days have drawn to a close turn around, look and see, the road that you chose."

That is a great lesson for the listener, but here is an even better one for the creators: Guys, stop looking behind you. Keep your vision firmly focused on what lies ahead, and see that amazing talent soar.

From guide:

Over three years in the making, Utris' second album The Long Walk Home mixes muscular guitar riffs with commanding vocals and layered, polished production values. Songs like "Some Gurls" and "Spain" sound like a bit like a cross between Soundgarden's later singles and Chris Cornell's solo work, while shimmering, reflective pieces like "1000 Words" and "White Rust" meld droning, vaguely Eastern-inspired arrangements with earnest melodies. "Remain the Same," the album's closing track, combines Utris' dynamic and meditative sides into a 12-minute epic. Over the course of The Long Walk Home, the band's melodic sense becomes somewhat monotonous, but the album is still a solid debut as well as a unique spin on anthemic, post-grunge rock.

by Heather Phares

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