Opus Galaxius

Jim Morris

Opus Galaxius
Performed By Jim Morris
Album UPC 888295002738
CD Baby Track ID 1362585521
Label Jim Morris
Released 2013-11-01
BPM 89
Rated 0
ISRC QMD9C1300005
Year 2013
Spotify Plays 257
Songtrust Track ID 980399
Writer James Raymond Morris
Songwriter ID 220245
Pub Co Taroland Studios
Composer James Raymond Morris
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Publisher Admin CD Baby Publishing
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Publishing
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - Michigan


Progressive rock that features inspirational guitar and catchy melodies.


Jim is an enigmatic guitar player who burst onto the scene with his unique style of instrumental rock fusion. Jim’s sound is a combination of metal, jazz, classical, blues, and traditional rock. With the release of his intensely melodic second album, "Lamentia", Jim is leaving his mark on the music world by elevating the rebirth of instrumental fusion.

Jim started playing guitar at the age of thirteen. Under the instruction of Bud Hanus of Huber and Breese Music Studio, Jim studied blues, flat picking, rock, and shred while developing his unparalleled picking style. Additional studies in music theory and four-part harmony with Alfred Marco fused Jim’s outstanding abilities with classical composition. Jim’s musicianship courses with Jim Ohrt taught him to play with discipline and creativity in an ensemble setting while using his technical skills and harmonic understanding to create contemporary instrumental voicing. Jim’s skills were first recognized when he was selected to perform with the Michigan All State Jazz Band in 1988. Since that time, Jim has been able to work as a professional guitarist with ease.

Playing professionally has given Jim the opportunity to pursue his interest in the art of recording instrumental rock. In 1993 Jim began (and continues) to churn out what is now a massive library of music in his personal eight-track studio. Today, Jim is collaborating with producer Jim Taro of Taroland studios where he recorded his first solo release "Jim Morris Band."

With the release of "Melodrama," for his third solo endeavor, he has shown the ability to create his own wide range of instrumental rock music merged with unforgettable melodies and complete orchestral movements with his own unmistakable guitar voicing.

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