Born of a King and a God


Born of a King and a God
Performed By Killjoy
Album UPC 887516106323
CD Baby Track ID 10235659
Label Killjoy
Released 2013-01-12
BPM 101
Rated 0
ISRC usx9p1252347
Year 2013
Spotify Plays 51
Writer Killjoy
Pub Co Killjoy
Composer Killjoy
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - New York


Technical, Heavy Metal music from New York. Doom, Thrash, Mastodon, Black Sabbath, Neurosis, all in one, yet none of them.


They are unique. This original heavy metal act has a writing style that is varied, complex, and difficult to nail into any one coffin. KILLJOY cannot be placed into any current genre of metal. As white is the combination of all colors such is KILLJOY. Their Influences are many, though not what you might expect. Modern, nuanced, complex. This music has an aggressive, brutal edge. You simply cannot predict what comes next. Yet, there is an unmistakable thread that binds their music. Todays metal landscape is full of sameness, KILLJOY stands apart..

Mark Zapata has spent most of his life behind a drum kit. From six years on, he's never been far from a pair of sticks. A double bass expert, and founding member of KILLJOY, Mark continues to innovate metal drumming, combining many different styles into his writing. The foundation of KILLJOY is rock solid.

Christopher "Tiny" White, is the lead singer, rhythm guitarist, and also a founding member of KILLJOY. His vocal style is unforgettable, like a volcanic eruption, you are afraid, but in awe of the power and beauty of it all. The rhythm guitar title is barely accurate. Tiny writes riffs that would give many a lead guitarist fits. He is truly part of one of the best guitar tandems in metal today.

Dan Mendez is the other half of metals best new guitar tandem. As lead guitarist and lead vocalist, Dan brings everything but the proverbial kitchen sink to KILLJOY. Truly a student of metal, Dan has his fist on the pulse of today's metal scene. Although his knowledge is vast, he emulates none of it, instead creates a sound that is truly unparalleled.

Michael Scherrer, is the low end, he is the heavy, he is the thudding, the very bottom of KILLJOY. Mike has a tough task on bass, the complex writing requires him to shred, and shred he does. His performance is one of the driving forces of KILLJOYs live show. As well as endless energy, Mike has raw power that contributes to the total devastation that is KILLJOY.

KILLJOY has shared the stage with such metal acts as Fear Factory, Suffocation, Anvil, OTEP, Deicide, Mushroomhead, Mobile Death Camp, Misery, Adrift, Ricketts, Butcher Jones, Double Eagle Standard and Crowbar.

If you would like to know more about KILLJOY, go to

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